Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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Inside repeatedly next aim, Cui Yan and Yuan Huan, He Kui and Xing the 颙 appoint to hurtle for the Cao of too Fu, created a son of a feudal lord king in history to own four too the precedent of Fu.I work hard carefully selected, the Cao holds to make every effort a match, so, we can promise Cao blunt can soon obtain support of northern private's clan in the Hao door.And Cao the blunt later ordinary members also had intention to unintentionally and formally form at us.
Cao blunt also really fight to excel, age day long of he at joining the government of two years career in, inheritted Cao to hold of make firm decision, but few years, the life of the Xiang sun and the influence of Zhuge Liang, he there is again a cool-headed and cultured breeze on the body and compare under, I bring his influence to almost can't see, ha ha, only I know, Cao blunt naturally of the Ren is kind plus me that the heavy feeling weighs the speech of righteousness to spread body church to found a nation an emperor king for generation to bring what kind of advantage.Certainly, he seemed to be also to a little bit inherit my impulse, like in the guidance in addition of Xu Shu these two years I that scathingly scolds mercilessly to make him change a lot, the gentleman king absolutely can not excite.
In heavy minister in the party in government court for after Cao hurtle to pull a good ordinary members, I will secretly hurtle for the Cao again disciplinal of the personal escort slowly find job for Cao to hurtle to hold nearby with Cao, certainly, the person who hold for Cao is led clear road, there is the example of Cang Lan at, the Cao holds to nowise doubt all of these people to are the loyalty Wei that I come out for their father and son training in person.The Cao holds a quilt I "take infinite pains" for their father and son of the behavior move of the tears be kept beat to turn in the eye socket, see of I is guilty not already.But the Xun You is after knowing is consumedly sneered at me some kind of.
My current identity is very high, the confident that the Cao holds to strive for a private, and is the war absolute being of the Cao soldier, also the teacher whom the Cao hurtles, as a result comes a person who fawn on my family also many get up, then don't lack to have the person to come with a marriage proposal for Zhao Qin among them.Who all know that I think greatly of being getting more happy of family most , if can marry Zhao Qin to go home, equal to depend on last a big tree, the position of dynasty hall holding in the Cao will also fly to rise.Elder brother Yun and elder brother's wife still have me the household chores for facing to come all of a sudden and all have some hair Meng.The Cao hurtles a relationship with Zhao Qin after our house was already a public secret, only had learned that the identity that the Cao hurtles, elder brother's wife's hasing intention to is avoiding this problem, and elder brother Yun seems to would not like to become the children relatives by marriage that the Cao holds, either.
For the mental state of the elder brother's wife and elder brother Yun, I am very understand, but two kid the childhood friends grows together of feelings I thinks greatly of more, therefore then tell elder brother Yun and elder brother's wife, rather dismantle a temple, don't dismantle one to marry, the Cao hurtles with Zhao Qin and destines to want together, we can not disobey a sky to do.Just, I didn't°yet think like how hold to lift this matter with Cao, say again, Zhao Qin was spoiled by me to break down, the small age works impulse, have no the appearance of some female kid, she this appearance is apart from an empress' Sigma far.Unfortunately, I also have no the appearance of a female kid by myself, the elder brother's wife is generally from, the Zou elder sister isn't a fragrance of books noble family either to be from, and none of us knows how to develop Zhao Qin into understanding empress.Before doing not change Zhao Qin's shortcoming, doing not have her developed, I can not open mouth to certainly descend her marriage.
When I worry about Zhao Qin's business, the Xun You runs to seek me and says to is to be subjected to a person, it gives to want to do Mei.His doing Mei for me be oddness, to top I puzzle of vision, the Xun You Hey Hey keeps smiling:"Son cloud, don't you ever think good matter, I come to is the son general dragon's matchmaker."
I can really get a fright:"What fun do you open?Does my elder brother still do Mei with you?Is my elder brother's wife dry?"
The Xun You keeps shaking head:"Do I say that you are stupid or wood?Son elder brother dragon just a madam ah, even have no a side rooms, I have three, there are also several building a keep women.Want to come to say person's lieutenant's brigade of Mei for you in fact, only you deliver words, don't , everyone just not dare to come, otherwise, you the thresholds here all wanted to step to break."
He says to get to is also the truth, however, these people could not beat my idea, put attention elder brother Yun there, pouring will also make interest with.To me, if there is quite good woman, make elder brother Yun seek a madam again also quite good, can say Xun You to be matchmaker of, should be a general family.I Hey Hey a smile:"Do not say useless talk.Say, you want to say for my elder brother who the daughter of house?Which want to climb to fight a letting of absolute being high you of?The honesty hands over to treat, you accepted how many Meis money?Say good, this matter wants, you can get a goal a half to me."
"Feed, you are a money-mad ah, does this kind of money all want?"The Xun You gives me a huge cold stare:"I tell you, I am also to do some help, one line copper money also have no.The truth tells you, I send word, the person who give decision is a lord male."
I a frighten:"Can't?Does lord Mr. want to marry my elder brother to own daughter or the person in the household and halter us?"
"Slice, can your ego felling be not so good?You think beautifully."Xun You again white my one eye:"The distance old man son contains a daughter, you know?She doesn't calculate greatly, the person is long of also quite good, know that the book reaches a reason and has much of qualities.The meaning of lord Mr. is to make us lead long line from it, give the son general dragon her."
"The daughter of distance Yu?Which?"I blink and suddenly responded to come over:"Is not the the that the Shuang resides at home?Oh, I understood, Hey Hey, lord Mr. wants to kill two birds with one stone!"
The Xun You nods to smile:"Cleverness.How, you agree not?"
The distance Yu marries the private clan sons of his home town as wife to have three daughters.The husband of two among those daughters died of illness in the third year that she marries over and had no again and then returned to natal home, already Shuang mostly year.Several years of war is Central plains disorderly, result in sharply descending of the earth population, advertise for to fight fighting later on, and then have numerous women to become widow.Owing to this circumstance, after the Cao held to be prime minister, distance Yu once suggested that the Cao held to promulgate an ordinance, it let the womens that the ability of including remarried all remarry.This ordinance is just held by the Cao to declare after we take down Jing state.Just, in the war and extend is concern point of dynasty hall up, this ordinance wasn't thought greatly of, slowly didn't rise a function as well, and was this decretive of proposal, remarrying of distance daughter Yu once became the focus of public concern as well.At present the Cao holds to suddenly put forward this suggestion, on being to want to let our house integrate into his political power center quickly, two is also let distance Yu set oneself up as an example, there is example function, promote the implementation of this ordinance so much.
This matter's pouring to our house is really a good matter, the daughter of distance Yu grows up in the big household, definitely will even manage domestic affairs than the elder brother's wife, house inside the management, our house also really needs such a person of servant.Say again, she is from fragrance of books eminent family, know the book reaches a reason and at the right moment does Zhao Qin's example and teaches Zhao Qin well,beats by dre uk, let her also know some somehow.Thought of these, I the one mouthful promised Xun You and stood together to namely run to cautiously explain these for elder brother Yun.Elder brother Yun hears to is the meaning that the Cao holds, he also not brush-off, elder brother's wife there also have no opinion, this matter settle come down.
Not ascend a month, the distance Yu sent daughter to come over in person, we also the hot jollification made ground to do a happy event.This distance elder brother's wife indeed as expected the gentleness is understanding, the embroidery needlework everything masters in, through theory Dian have no don't understand, manage is more tidy, educate a kid inside the house is a clear and convincing presentation, Zhao Qin on the whole someone took care of, I also let go of a worry.
Before long, I called Guo Jia to your home and tactfully suggested him some kind of, let him hold to lift Cao to hurtle with Cao and Zhao Qin's business.Guo Jia didn't do to mean on the spot, he returned to consider for two days, felt like this can also, seek Cao to hold.The Cao holds and doesn't also declare at that time, lead a day is behind just tell Guo Jia, he had no an opinion, just the kid was still small, ordered first in person, lead two years again say the matter of marry.I as long as the Cao holds approval good, Be placed to the matter of marry, pour also not favour.The betrothal is to publicly send to elder brother Yun's your home, although didn't hold what congratulate of the rites of type, the officials of Luo sun top and bottom also all knew.This bottom, nobody again come vexed we, home also settle quiet many.Just, the position of the door of Zhao Shi Yi raised again a , we canned be impending in the other people's eyes.Is alas, this is also the matter with no idea.

The teacher of chapter 243 emperor king(3)

Take a wife at elder brother Yun betroth with blunt Zhao Qin of Cao of whole Related articles:

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