Monday, December 3, 2012

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Greatly increase, but, under the current condition, moderate breezes head just prosperous Yang Yi Chen's soldier Be hard to put together, the mountain person thinks that the Zhi is not."
Wang Fu Bao, Liu Ya, Cao Can, on the matting, the Gao Chang Zuo's eyes see eloquent Ling Jing in hall, their 4 people respectively gets one soldier currently, while deciding the trend of battalion, the Dou sets up virtuous need to ask for their opinions.
"Predict according to the person of mountain, at post-war, Yang Yi Chen needs certain time to come to the whole soldier, however, because the plain is his impedimenta place, he can't can be looted by we, so, will definitely in very short time inside integrate good whole army, rush toward to the plain, the words don't have an accident, after two days, his battalion will appear at under the plain city."
"Two day?Please reckon for traversing adult, how of?"
Liu Ya speaks to ask a way.
"Yang Yi Chen who requites according to the scout defeats time of space Qian, and the bean Kang distance for plain, and marching of government troops speed, two, is more accurate, certainly, I a little bit advance 1:00, avoid appearing what accident!"
Gao Chang didn't talk, in the situation like this, he always takes orders little principle for saying to listen to more, after all, oneself the groundwork is too shallow in the soldier, recent, again many situations, upwards rise like rocket, the tree greatly recruits breeze, is the Tao light underlying time.
"Since, not ability and Yang Yi Chen of the battalion Be hard to put together, we can give up a plain!"
"Give up a plain?"
The Cao Can didn't do, the plain was his old house, the very not easy rate soldier beats back, didn't°yet be tremendous enough, like this and timidly withdraw a plain, he a little bit wants not to open.
"Traverse adult, whether you gotted mistake!Xin, a Chinese family name the pain bitterness beat down of city, haven't the brotherses lived a good life well and incredibly hand over to others!"
Ling Jing Wei is tiny on smiling, the feather fan lightly shakes.
"The situation is pressing!Although, the our army is needed a piece of site and develops, , plain county this location to the our army in nowadays, and isn't suitable for, plain county the geography is flat, untenable defensive position, yellow river from in the center are divided into the south to the whole countieses north two pieces of, the city defense is located in a yellow river northwest side, almost is tightly stick county east flank field, the battalion of Yang Yi Chen comes from the bean Kang, once inbound, was city to descend right away, there is no natural cover to be talked."
Ling Jing deeply absorbed an one breath and said later on.
"At present, emperor have no way, Be loitered to rivers all, ignore domestic affairs, domestic affairs over a long period of time drive some mean person holding, with the result that make the people find it hard to live on, pass east a ground of, the volunteer army rises everywhere, don't say Hebei a take how, take easts all Luo sun to say, have the Di lets and Li Mi of the tile Gang soldier cast covetous eyes on to it, even resist rivers who drive the places all, also have the Du Fu the Wei, the plum etc. person peeps in a side, world has already greatly changed, Sui has already lost its deer, the cluster Hao will rise but pursue it!"
"Beat!Beat!What do you say to do so more?I don't understand again, I am asking you, why want to give up a plain, you haven't said that reason."
Cao Can impatiently interrupt Ling respect of generous Chen Ci, also only have him, battle write oneself's younger sister is a Dou to set up a virtuous madam, just can wanton thus.
"The Cao Can puts respect to order to Mr. Ling and lets Mr. Ling keeps on saying!"
The Dou sets up virtuous the Can seeing Cao is excessively some, said him a , the Cao Can touched touch a nose, don't talk.
"We are placed in the stage of development now, had better, the little and strong enemy fights some fierce battles, once opening hostilities, even if beat to win, also necessarily lose miserably heavy, lose more than gain, current, want still regard savings strength as principle,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, wait time is propitious after, again wait for an opportunity but rise.The strategy that isn't suitable for us of the ground of this four wars in plain, if, for defending it, and Yang Yi Chen's battalion Be hard to put together, notter worthwhile."
The Ling respectfully smiled to smile and continued to say.
"Say again, Yang Yi Chen isn't likely to stay in the plain during a lifetime, and, we are also impossibly always like this small and weak, one day there will, we will come back."
The Dou sets up virtuous coughed 2, meant to say words, traversed to respectfully go a gift to him, returned to own position up.
"Does the battalion listen to the words of clear military adviser's adult having no?"
Don't need a public answer, he continues to say.
"The opinion of military adviser's adult is my opinion, we have to give up a plain, and, quickly, now, the government troops is stayed food and impedimenta of plain we want to move out as far as possible and carry to return to Rao sun, tomorrow a day, everyone's wanting favour to live this matter , the day after tomorrow early in the morning, must leave, if, food grass and impedimenta can not all move out and don't stay,Beats By Dre Free shipping day, either to the government troops, move don't walk of all of the thing divide to the common people of plain, they read our well, next time again come, also be unlikely to put together dead to resist!"
The Dou sets up virtuous thus on saying, the affair also settled down, leeway didn't change, hence, is public together the voice is in response to the way.
"Now, and an affair didn't definitely settle down, I want to listen to your opinions."
Everyone hopes together to the Dou set up virtuous, his lo one eye Ling Jing, the Ling respectfully stood out.
"If we take a great deal of supplies to march, the marching of our army speed is definitely not very quick, on the road, will spend many time, but, Yang Yi Chen's troops can't give us this time, after he occupies the plain that we throw , affirmation will tailgate since then, end, will catch up us in a certain place, so......"
Ling Jing Dun, the view slowly once swept on Gao Chang's their face, then said.
"We have to stay the troops of one camp to garrison in the plain and lead long the battalion of making Yang Yi Chen."
Listenned to Ling Jing thus on saying, Liu Ya and the facial expression of the Cao Can obviously changed, only Wang Fu Bao and Gao Chang's air are constant, although 2 people all seem to be very cool-headed,the reason is each not same.Wang Fu Bao believes the person who stays to guard to be he or she, don't speak that he sets up virtuous friendship with Dou, just he leads of the fear-inspiring prowess camp is a Dou sets up the troops that the virtuous troops has fighting strength most this, the Dou sets up virtuous can't leave oneself in the plain to walk into death, high Chang of so seem to be cool-headed, just because his air always such, have a little Mount Taishan very much before being collapsed to also the noodles don't change the meaning of color.
"Is three, we need him to firmly stand by in the plain for three days."
Starting to compare is moreover three, Liu Ya's facial expression is difficult to see much, how see, he also feels to stay to guard of person will be he, Gao Chang just sign great achievement, and controled military law to take charge of, the Dou sets up virtuous can't call him risky again;Wang Fu Bao is a Dou to set up virtuous Di to fasten, he can't throw down him to ignore;Cao Can naturally, is a Dou to set up virtuous relatives, he can't even easily sacrifice.
See like this, oneself only this maternal grandmother isn't painful, the uncle doesn't love of the guy would be stayed to break behind.
Liu Ya's in mind and inwardly sneering at , immediately, has been already made firm decision, if the Dou sets up virtuous true stay he, so don't blame him heartless, firmly stand by for three days, my Pei!
If can surrender government troops, he surrenders, can not surrender, he starts to pull a troops to return to Shan-li to re- be robber.
"You who would like to accept a this Jian huge task?"
The Dou sets up virtuous view at they four personal faces up slowly once rowed, a long time, no one talks.
The Dou set up virtuous vision to grind to a stop a short moment on Liu Ya Lian, Liu Ya's hearts all mentioned a throat eyes inside, however, the very quick Dou sets up virtuous moved to open vision, end, stop at Gao Chang there.
The Gao Chang understand Dou sets up virtuous meaning, his station starts and walked out, list the knee kneel ground.
"Vulgar job not is just, would like to receive orders,Beats By Dre green Monday!"
Can not push to take off since, rather Related articles:

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